461 research outputs found

    It Doesn\u27t Seem Like a Big Deal : A Media Ecology Analysis of Digital Teen Sexuality and Sexting Education

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    In the state of Illinois, any person in possession of sexually explicit photos of a minor, even if the subject is oneself, can be prosecuted as a felon for possession of child pornography and be required to registered as a sex-offender (705 ILCS § 405). Concurrently, the recent trend of ‘send nudes’ depicts humorous ways to request the transmission of sexually explicit photos, increasing this act as a normative practice for young people (Bradford, 2018; Thomas, 2017). This trend is incongruent with Illinois statue (705 ILCS § 405) and school administrative policy about transmitting sexually explicit photos of a minor. The clash of environments – adolescents’ use of digital media and adolescent romantic experiences, education, and state law– raises serious questions about tensions within our shifting digital age, particularly in relation to educational messages about sexting. Therefore, a media ecology approach is employed to explore the environments that compound to education related to adolescent digital interaction via smartphones. This study explores if students learn about sexting in school curriculum, and if so, what are the prevailing messages? A dual method approach triangulates a qualitative analysis of existing curriculum with student interviews. From this thematic analysis, themes emerged related to educational messages about sexting: social consequences, self-responsibility, avoidance, casual approach to education, and students’ desire for greater information about sexting. All of which serve to promote relevant, student-centered sexting curriculum development

    Keine Angst vorm Scheitern! Erfolgreiche außerfamiliäre Hofnachfolge hat keine Blaupause.

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    Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht die Frage, welche Faktoren den erfolgreichen Verlauf einer außerfamiliären Hofnachfolge begünstigen. Es wurden drei Interviews mit Übernehmenden geführt, um neue Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis den bisher überwiegend theoretischen Überlegungen hinzuzufügen. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass für Übernehmende weniger finanzielle oder rechtliche eine Rolle spielen, sondern zwischenmenschliche Aspekte. Hier wurden unter anderem die Abgabebereitschaft und die Offenheit für Neues auf Seiten der Altbäuer*innen genannt. Auch von Bedeutung ist ein gutes, vertrauensvolles Verhältnis zueinander und eine offene Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe, die gerade im Konfliktfall hilfreich sein kann. Für die Beteiligten war es von Vorteil, unvoreingenommen in den Übergabeprozess zu gehen und auch das Scheitern als eine Option zu akzeptieren. Als wichtigste Erkenntnis bleibt, dass jede außerfamiliäre Hofnachfolge maßgeblich von den individuellen teilhabenden Persönlichkeiten geprägt wird. Deswegen gibt es keine Blaupause, nach der der Prozess gestaltet werden kann

    Why Does the Cognitive Reflection Test (Sometimes) Predict Utilitarian Moral Judgment (and Other Things)?

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    The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) is thought to correlate with measures of utilitarian moral judgment because it measures system-2 correction of an initial intuitive response. And some theories of moral judgment hold that the same thing often happens when people arrive a utilitarian judgments. We find, however, that CRT-type items (using logic as well as arithmetic) can work just as well when they do not have obvious intuitive answers at predicting utilitarian moral judgment, assessed with self-report questionnaires as well as with hypothetical scenarios, and also at predicting a measure of actively open-minded thinking (AOT). Moreover, long response times, as well as high accuracy, also predict moral judgment and other outcomes. The CRT might thus be considered a test of reflection-impulsivity (RI). However, RI is only part of AOT, because RI is concerned only with the amount of thinking, not its direction. Tests of AOT also predict utilitarian moral judgments. Individual differences in AOT and moral judgments are both strongly (negatively) associated with belief that morality comes from God and cannot be understood through thought. The correlation of CRT and utilitarian judgment, when found, is thus likely due to the (imperfect) correlation of AOT and CRT. Intuition in these domains is thus not necessarily something that people overcome through additional thinking, but rather what they rely on when they do not think very much

    What Physiological Changes and Cerebral Traces Tell Us about Adhesion to Fiction During Theater-Watching?

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    Live theater is typically designed to alter the state of mind of the audience. Indeed, the perceptual inputs issuing from a live theatrical performance are intended to represent something else, and the actions, emphasized by the writing and staging, are the key prompting the adhesion of viewers to fiction, i.e., their belief that it is real. This phenomenon raises the issue of the cognitive processes governing access to a fictional reality during live theater and of their cerebral underpinnings. To get insight into the physiological substrates of adhesion we recreated the peculiar context of watching live drama in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment, with simultaneous recording of heart activity. The instants of adhesion were defined as the co-occurrence of theatrical events determined a priori by the stage director and the spectators’ offline reports of moments when fiction acted as reality. These data served to specify, for each spectator, individual fMRI time-series, used in a random-effect group analysis to define the pattern of brain response to theatrical events. The changes in this pattern related to subjects’ adhesion to fiction, were investigated using a region of interest analysis. The results showed that adhesion to theatrical events correlated with increased activity in the left BA47 and posterior superior temporal sulcus, together with a decrease in dynamic heart rate variability, leading us to discuss the hypothesis of subtle changes in the subjects’ state of awareness, enabling them to mentally dissociate physical and mental (drama-viewing) experiences, to account for the phenomenon of adhesion to dramatic fiction

    Crosslinking of elongation factor Tu to tRNAPhe by trans-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) Characterization of two crosslinking sites on EF-Tu

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    AbstractIn a preceding paper [(1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 5787–5801], we have used trans-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) to induce reversible RNA-protein crosslinks within the ternary EF-Tu/GTP/Phe-tRNAPhe complex and have identified two crosslinking sites on the tRNA. The aim of the present paper is to determine the crosslinking sites on EF-Tu. Two tryptic peptides located in domain I could be identified, a major one (residues 45–74) and a minor one (residues 117–154). The use of Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease led to the isolation of two major peptides (residues 56–68 and 64–68) and one minor peptide (118–124). These results are discussed in the light of the current knowledge of the topography of the EF-Tu/tRNA complex

    Primitive Simultaneous Optimization of Similarity Metrics for Image Registration

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    Even though simultaneous optimization of similarity metrics represents a standard procedure in the field of semantic segmentation, surprisingly, this does not hold true for image registration. To close this unexpected gap in the literature, we investigate in a complex multi-modal 3D setting whether simultaneous optimization of registration metrics, here implemented by means of primitive summation, can benefit image registration. We evaluate two challenging datasets containing collections of pre- to post-operative and pre- to intra-operative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of glioma. Employing the proposed optimization we demonstrate improved registration accuracy in terms of Target Registration Error (TRE) on expert neuroradiologists' landmark annotations

    Structure-activity relationships of chromogranin A in cell adhesion. Identification of an adhesion site for fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells.

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    Previous studies showed that chromogranin A (CgA), a glycoprotein stored and co-released with various hormones by neuroendocrine cells and neurons, can modulate cell adhesion. We have investigated the structure-activity relationships of CgA using fibroblasts and coronary artery smooth muscle cells in adhesion assays. A recombinant CgA fragment 1-78 and a peptide 7-57 containing reduced and alkylated cysteines (Cys(17) and Cys(38)) induced cell adhesion after adsorption onto solid phases at 50-100 nm. Peptides lacking the disulfide loop region, including residues 47-68, 39-59, and 39-68, induced cell adhesion, either bound to solid phases at 200-400 nm or added to the liquid phase at 5-10 microm, whereas peptide 60-68 was inactive, suggesting that residues 47-57 are important for activity. The effect of CgA-(1-78) was blocked by anti-CgA antibodies against epitopes including residues Arg(53), His(54), and Leu(57). Substitutions of residues His(54), Gln(55), and Asn(56) with alanine decreased the cell adhesion activity of peptide 47-68. These results suggest that the region 47-57 (RILSILRHQNL) contains a cell adhesion site and that the disulfide bridge is not necessary for the proadhesive activity. The ability of soluble peptides to elicit proadhesive effects suggests an indirect mechanism. The high sequence conservation and accessibility to antibodies suggest that this region is important for the physiological role of CgA